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How can my header text show on macabre & background color with main text color | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Development » Themes
savvas Nov 1 '11
Hello i switched to macabre template theme and put a logo but cant get  my text to show on header and cant change the color of main text on page the background is dark grey and the font is black ( abit crazy) not even a cat can veiw it , how do i change that please cos i like the design maybe one of the best ones but this is a big issue
Keelan Leader
Keelan Nov 1 '11
You need to seriously be more specific or you are never going to get any answers if your threads we are not mind readers.

Provide screen shots. 



Literally every thread you post and you post multiple times is completely useless as  you don't provide any detailed information, you will NEVER EVER get an answer if you do not provide enough information. That is if you want help, it is becoming tiresome.


Edit your CSS.
rad maythil
rad maythil Nov 4 '11
Try /ow_static/themes/macabre/base.css
Keelan Leader
Keelan Nov 4 '11
Edits should be made in:


with dev mode true in /ow_includes/config.php
John Nov 4 '11
I created a new logo and uploaded it to the theme in the admin area but after hitting submit it says no file. I even uploaded it ftp in the theme folder. Can you help?
Keelan Leader
Keelan Nov 4 '11
What theme are you using John, does your theme use a logo or is it text based?
rad maythil
rad maythil Nov 5 '11

Quote from Keelan Edits should be made in:
with dev mode true in /ow_includes/config.php

I myself have tried to change the head picture at /ow_themes/theme-name/base.css. It never worked for me. I tried it under /ow_static, and it was displayed at once after a refreshing. So, what is the difference between editing the two base.css pages?
The Forum post is edited by rad maythil Nov 5 '11
Max Nov 6 '11
The difference is :
- ow_static is the 'cache' of themes and plugins. If you upload image in it, it will be displayed immediatly but if dev mode is true, cache is disable and ow_static will be overwrite.

-ow_theme : If dev mode is true, upload your images and css in it to see immediatly changes.
If dev mode is false, modify this folder will don't change anything
The Forum post is edited by Max Nov 6 '11
rad maythil
rad maythil Nov 6 '11
Thanks a lot for the explanation, Max.