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Abbey Sep 5 '14
Well apart from major disappointment I've found a major flaw in the plugin, there is no bulk delete.
Plus I started deleting them one by one and it just goes on and on, I'm even re-deleting messages I deleted months ago.
Is there a way to correct this?

ross Team
ross Sep 7 '14
You can manually delete them via database, this is the only way. 
Abbey Sep 8 '14
ok, do you know why this happened? I mean I deleted some messages 2 years ago yet they came back
ross Team
ross Sep 9 '14
Can you please provide screenshots or make a video, how do your redelete message? As we cannot reproduce that on our test websites or demo. 
Abbey Oct 2 '14
HI, sorry for the delay on this, I had other more pressing matters, I went into phpmyadmin and looked at the table for mailbox.... every message thats been sent on my site it there, over 3000 pages.
It has a delete option, it this where I remove the messages?
ross Team
ross Oct 2 '14
Do you want to remove all of them or just the one which reappears? Yes, this is done in this table. 
Abbey Oct 2 '14
figured I'd remove the majority up to a certain point, i noted the messages start from when I started my site in june 2012, is this normal?
Is there a setting to automaticly delete things from this table over 6 months old?
The Forum post is edited by Abbey Oct 2 '14
ross Team
ross Oct 2 '14
No, there's no such setting. 

Well if you had any conversations chat/or mailbox message then it is normal. 

Abbey Oct 3 '14
so when you delete them from your inbox theyre not deleted from the database?

Also in the next update can you suggest oxwall put in a "select all" option for delete?
Kяuncн Leader
Kяuncн Oct 5 '14

Image capture is self explanatory, Note I don't have many conversations at mine as I clean it up weekly.
The Forum post is edited by Kяuncн Oct 5 '14
Abbey Oct 5 '14
I'm just iffy about deleting stuff. In case I break it
Kяuncн Leader
Kяuncн Oct 5 '14
I can do for you if you wish, am on Skype if you want ;->
Kяuncн Leader
Kяuncн Oct 5 '14
Actually I have to step out for a bit, let me know if you'd like me to do it, and by do it I meant  perform this operation lol.
ross Team
ross Oct 6 '14
Quote from Abbey so when you delete them from your inbox theyre not deleted from the database? Also in the next update can you suggest oxwall put in a "select all" option for delete?

If you delete them from inbox, then are deleted from the database as well

Please suggest it on uservoice. 

Abbey Oct 6 '14
I forgot about uservoice.... the thing is I have deleted them from my inbox once already.... many in 2012 and 2013...
and will do Krunch.... I will catch you tomorrow n talk about it

ross Team
ross Oct 6 '14
Can you please try again? 

1. make a screenshot of a message you're going to delete

2. delete it

3. make a screenshot of this message in DB