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Facebook Connect | Forum

Alexis Nov 2 '11
Hi, I Have created my facebook connect application but it doesn't work, when an user clicks on the facebook button there is no message and nothing happens, the users who try to login with traditional oxwall's username and password have the error "parseerror". I had to inactivate the plugin.Please I need help because many friends from facebook want to login with their accounts. Thanks. Alexis
Keelan Leader
Keelan Nov 2 '11
Oxwall version?
John Nov 2 '11
Your site worked fine for me.
Alexis Nov 2 '11
Thanks Jhon I have seen you in my site, maybe my PC or browser, but i have proved with chrome, internet explorer and Opera
John Nov 3 '11
Today your sites not working for me. I'm not sure what's wrong. When I had a problem with mine I uninstalled the plugin and then re-installed it and that fixed it.
Alexis Nov 9 '11
I just decided to uninstall the facebook plugin because many people report an error, I hate the internet Explorer, my site has many problems with old versions (6.0 y 7.0)
Den Team
Den Nov 10 '11
Topic was moved from General Chat.