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Problem update and Firefox - Venus | Forum

Guido Sep 7 '14
I'vr a problem after updating the thème. When I click sur "login" the connection windows appears but when I'm want to mark my pseudo, Firefox recharge the page and the login window is gone. Impossible to use the "login" button for connecting. I test to another PC but it's the same problem with the second PC. It works with IE but not with Fitrfox. Do you have an idea what causes the problem?

Guido Sep 7 '14
yes and anly with the update. The first venus theme "in blue" works fine. Only the new one has this problem sur Firefox. I love it but I can't use it. If I use the sign-in page, it works but not with the button "login". Is there a possibilité to make a redirection so if I'm clicking on the login button it shows the sign-in page?
Guido Sep 7 '14
I've created a user so you can see by yourself if you want.

Url: http://univers-sm.fr
User: test
Pass: 1234

Try to login with Firefox 32
Guido Sep 8 '14

it works now.
Thanks a lot
Amber S /Liz M
Amber S /Liz M Sep 12 '14
We are also having a issue with the righh hand side bar it ends u half way down the page not in sync with the rest of the page how ever when one refreshes it puts in place also when we go to customize the right side bar is also half down the right hand side of the page this is with the venus theme skrilla said we needed to speak to you about it since it was a issue with the theme
Guido Sep 12 '14
I didn't had the same problem. I had a problem withe connexion popup, but the righthand sidebar is in the right position. I can't help you, sorry.
Try to post in support area of the venus theme.
My problem was resolved by the creator of the theme: OW Visuals
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