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Google map Integration | Forum

Rahul Bhatt
Rahul Bhatt Sep 9 '14
Hi ,

Can anyone help me that how can I integrate google map at profile and news feed in oxwall?


ross Team
ross Sep 9 '14
Topic was moved from General Questions.
Rahul Bhatt
Rahul Bhatt Sep 12 '14
Where I can see replies / answers for my issue? Please give me link.
Rahul Bhatt
Rahul Bhatt Sep 15 '14
Ross ,

Can you please help?

Daisy Team
Daisy Oct 15 '14
Rahul, please check out this guide: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/embed/guide or search for the information on the Internet. If you need a specific information about integration in the Oxwall software, please provide us with the list of questions and will be glad to answer all of them.
Rahul Bhatt
Rahul Bhatt Oct 16 '14
Okay. Let me check.