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Can you have a one theme for mobile and another for PC viewing? | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Aleksiel Sep 9 '14
Hi I'm extremely new to Oxwall and I was wondering if there was a way to have a non responsive theme for computer users and then buy another responsive one and have it activate for mobile devices? So say Calibre for the computer users and then Nightclubbing for mobile only?
ross Team
ross Sep 9 '14
You can apply the CSS styles for mobile version to make it look like Nightclubbing theme, otherwise this is a custom code modification. 
Aleksiel Sep 10 '14
This would actually be perfect. Where can I find those styles so that I can change it?
Aleksiel Sep 10 '14
Would I need to buy both themes and then copy paste the CSS from the responsive one to the non responsive one?
ross Team
ross Sep 10 '14
No, you can just copy paste them, You can make it look similar by applying certain styles in ow_themes/current theme of yours/mobile/base.css
Aleksiel Sep 12 '14
I'm sorry, I'm not a computer guy. Can I buy another theme in the store, and then copy and paste their mobile folder to the theme I'm using now? I'm using Calibre, but I want Facebook go for mobile. Can I do that?
ross Team
ross Sep 15 '14
See my reply above.