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translation into your language | Forum

Francisco Guerreiro

Wanted toputtwo morelanguageson the site withthegoogle APIin the footerof my websitehow to do this?

ross Team
ross Sep 9 '14
I'm sorry I don't understand you, please elaborate. 
Francisco Guerreiro
Francisco Guerreiro Sep 10 '14
How to put the google translation API in the footer of the site?
ross Team
ross Sep 10 '14
Topic was moved from General Questions.
Daisy Team
Daisy Oct 6 '14
Francisco, go to https://translate.google.com/manager/website/add page to get the translator code.

Copy the code and add it onto your site via Admin Area > Settings > Main Settings > Page Settings.

Or search for the existing plugins in our Store: http://www.oxwall.org/store/