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Photos on newsfeed with privacy plugin | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Philippe Sep 9 '14

For example I have a member who posts pictures in private using the plugin privacy. This user has several friends, default photos are visible only on the dashboard friends. How do apparaitres in the newsfeed, but only for friends of this member?

Thank you in advance.
ross Team
ross Sep 10 '14
What is apparaitres?
tammy harris
tammy harris Sep 10 '14
He means show / appear
Philippe Sep 10 '14
Sorry for my bad english ;)

Yes apparaitres = show.
ross Team
ross Sep 10 '14
Philippe, can you please specify on which newsfeed do you want to show the photo? dashboard, main or profile one?
Philippe Sep 11 '14
on the main page.
ross Team
ross Sep 11 '14
When you set show only for friends, the uploaded photo action can be seen on dashboard newsfeed only. 

Otherwise this is a custom code modification of the plugin

Wilson Sep 11 '14
hey Philippe,

This might help you out with what you need done. Check this post out http://www.oxwall.org/forum/topic/15913, hope it helps.

Philippe Sep 11 '14

@ross : Yes but on the dashboard it is not possible to display the same widgets (photos, videos, groups, forums ...) than the main page and it is those it interests me.

@Wilson: Thank you but the change is to hide events for a defined list of members. Me it is for all the members I want to make this change.

ross Team
ross Sep 14 '14
This is a custom code modification.