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Can I set up ox-wall so my user can purchase a membership? | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Don Page
Don Page Sep 11 '14
Can I set up ox-wall so my user can purchase a membership?  I would like to have a Premium user role that would be available only to paying customers.  It seems like OxWall was designed for this but I can't figure out how to implement it.   



tammy harris
tammy harris Sep 11 '14
You need payed membership plug in and a payment gateway plugin
ross Team
ross Sep 11 '14
Tammy +1
Don Page
Don Page Sep 12 '14
Great!  I was afraid you would say no way!

Which one?  

I installed ShopPro only to learn that it was made to sell stuff, not memberships!  I never dreamed people would sell stuff on a dating site!  
"Hi I'm Don, SWM, VGL, 6' 180#s and I have a StairMaster for sale..."  :?)
I was a tad disappointed!

tammy harris
tammy harris Sep 12 '14
read the plugin description before buying it 
payed membership plugin

then you will need a payment gateway plugin
ross Team
ross Sep 14 '14
Tammy +1
Don Page
Don Page Sep 15 '14

In reading the description I learned that this also requires a payment gateway, and then only supports PayPal, I need something that accepts credit-cards as well, any ideas?

