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internal video player web | Forum

Damien Sep 15 '14


From 1.7.0 and 1.7.1 I am unable to work a web video player internally in the video plugin. 

On the previous version of oxwall, my web video player functioned. 

But now, I've tried several different player. 

I tested the code the player away from the site and it works. 

I also checked the source code of my page that the video player to the files needed are present, but the script of the video does not appear. 

The script that is added when I post the video. 

Could someone help me to solve the problem which is annoying for me.

Daisy Team
Daisy Oct 15 '14
Damien, could you please describe what video functionality you are using? What exactly does not work? The detailed information about the problem and sample of code will be highly appreciated.