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Why Does Oxwall Go to Dashboard After Login? [Solved] | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Alisa Chinedu
Alisa Chinedu Sep 17 '14
Hello Team,

I have a landing page and would love my visitors to remain in my landing page after log in.

But after each log in, oxwall takes the user to the dashboard page which is pretty not cool for me.

Any way to correct this?
The Forum post is edited by ross Sep 18 '14
tammy harris
tammy harris Sep 17 '14
In admin pages try move the page you want as landing page to the first spot
ross Team
ross Sep 17 '14
Tammy +1. This can be done in the Pages and Menus section in the Admin Panel. 
Alisa Chinedu
Alisa Chinedu Sep 18 '14
I tried this. But the inbuilt HTML editor does not create fully responsive pages. I designed an external  xhtml page and i tried import it into the inbuilt html page but the formating was messed up.

Alisa Chinedu
Alisa Chinedu Sep 18 '14
Fixed. I have found a way around it. I used a plugin for CMS.
ross Team
ross Sep 18 '14
Thanks for letting us know. I'm going to mark this post as Solved then