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No username in console or on profile [Solved] | Forum

Sean Sep 18 '14
I'm using 1.7.1 and the console does not display the username on the user drop down menu, it also does not show the username on their profile.

The only user it does show it for is the admin - user 1.

Anyone else who registers just gets a blank box.

Pic attached. Any ideas?
The Forum post is edited by ross Sep 18 '14
  Untitled.jpg (225Kb)
ross Team
ross Sep 18 '14
Disable all third-party plugins one by one and see if the problem persists 

One request per topic please. 

Sean Sep 18 '14
This was one request, it's regarding the username not appearing, I was just mentioning the areas affected.

This happens with all third party plugins disabled, it's the first thing I tried.
Sean Sep 18 '14
I'm also using the default theme before you ask.
ross Team
ross Sep 18 '14
share your URL, please
ross Team
ross Sep 18 '14
please disable profiler in the config.php
Sean Sep 18 '14
Done, it still has the same problem though
ross Team
ross Sep 18 '14
Have you done any modifications to the core files? I see the console menu item is changed

as well as some upload form for the files in the center of the web page

Sean Sep 18 '14
They are plugins I developed, and I have just disabled them again, no changes to the core have been made at all.
ross Team
ross Sep 18 '14
I will need Cpanel and admin access details in PM, please. 
Sean Sep 18 '14
No need, I have found the issue, basically I have hidden the 'realname' field on my join form, I did not want users to provide that, just pick a username

The console seems to use their 'realname' field from the question data table. Once I manually added in a realname field it worked.

This is annoying, I don't want the realname field on the join page.
Sean Sep 18 '14
Changing admin setting to use username rather than realname solves this.


Annoying though!
ross Team
ross Sep 18 '14
Alright, thanks for letting us know. I'm going to mark the thread as Solved