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cannot load any plugins | Forum

Gus Sep 19 '14
I upload a plugin

Then i am asked for the FTP Login?  All valid FTP logins fail.

Why in the world would it not just upload the Zip file as the FTP login should not be necessary if it is uploaded.  So i am assuming this is a bug.

Like what i see with this software but cannot even test without this resolved.
tammy harris
tammy harris Sep 19 '14
you need to use the ftp account that you uploaded the script with
ross Team
ross Sep 19 '14
Tammy +1
Gus Sep 19 '14
I downloaded the Zip file from the store.

Then located it on my machine to uploaded it
which was then followed by the FTP dialogue.

The file is on my home machine so it is not accessable via FTP anyway

The Forum post is edited by Gus Sep 19 '14
Gus Sep 19 '14
The script is great but it appears to be worthless to me unless there is a reasonable way to add the plugins maybe manually
tammy harris
tammy harris Sep 20 '14
upload plugin to the ow_plugin folder  unzip them first  then u will see in avalable plugins in admin

ross Team
ross Sep 21 '14
Tammy +1, 

FTP access is asked in order to upload the file to server from your machine, which is why you need to know the proper details.