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SEO and Metadata edit? [Solved] | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Christopher John
Christopher John Sep 20 '14
Hey Oxwall!

I am trying to find out where the data in the browser tab can be edited.  I know there is a plugin in for advanced SEO config is it good?  Thanks

The Forum post is edited by ross Sep 22 '14
ross Team
ross Sep 22 '14
If you mean 'social networking' - this can be changed in the languages section in the admin panel. 

Search "social" keyword. 

Christopher John
Christopher John Sep 22 '14
thanks Ross
Christopher John
Christopher John Sep 22 '14
It wont let me delete it so I tried a + sign and it seemed to delete it but not updating.
Kяuncн Leader
Kяuncн Sep 22 '14
You don't delete this entirely, simply remove the - social networking and leave the rest, then save.
Christopher John
Christopher John Sep 22 '14
Thanks, I tried removing just the "social networking" and it wouldnt let me it always updating back to having it so I tested with inputting a + sign as something different and now it has removed that input entirely from options which is what I wanted but there is no update that is different, still showing short description in tab after site name
Kяuncн Leader
Kяuncн Sep 22 '14
hasn't removed it, beings you removed the - social networking and left the just the {$site_name} then search this at language and locate the one with a + sign...

Even though I'm still seeing it as default,,,

The Forum post is edited by Kяuncн Sep 22 '14
Christopher John
Christopher John Sep 22 '14
exactly but it has totally removed any option for social networing/+ from language
Christopher John
Christopher John Sep 22 '14
Found it thanks to your expert navigation and Oxwall's modern search funtion right in admin panel!  Thank again Krunch.
Kяuncн Leader
Kяuncн Sep 22 '14
Most welcome Christopher, any-time.
ross Team
ross Sep 22 '14
Krunch thanks. 

I'm going to mark this post as Solved. 

Tom Dec 4 '14

I'm having the same issue I've changed

{$site_name} - Social Networking


{$site_name} - Found Sounds

I've done it for

{text key='nav+page_default_title'}

{text key='nav+page_default_heading'}

{text key='nav+page_default_description'}


 As well as for mobile. However, I'm still seeing - "Social Networking" in Google results.

When I search my admin panel for "social" as a keyword under settings - language, I'm only able to pull up the field for Facebook Connect plugin which contains the word "social" as part of a sentence.

My url is http://krackl.it/



ross Team
ross Dec 4 '14
Tom, you need to give it some time for the bots to crawl your website and updates to take effect. 

Please see this: https://www.google.ru/?gws_rd=ssl#newwindow=1&q=how+long+does+it+take+for+google+search+results+to+update

Tom Dec 5 '14
Ah, ok. Good to know. Thanks, Ross!