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invitation links can be used more than once?[Answered - to be fixed. ] | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
allyn Sep 21 '14
I am using Oxwall 1.7.1 and have a site that requires invitations.

I expected that an invitation link could only be used once for a single registration and when that registration was complete the code would become useless.

But the same link seems to work multiple times to register additional users.  Is this intentional?

Do the codes in the links ever expire?

Thank you.
The Forum post is edited by ross Sep 22 '14
ross Team
ross Sep 21 '14
Do you use invitations via e-mail or something else?
allyn Sep 22 '14
invitations by email.  stock oxwall.  nothing special.

I have "Who can join" under Privacy&Permissions/Global Privacy set to "By my invitation only" and I just click on the Invite New Users button on the Users/Browse Users page to send the invitations.

The invitation emails contain a link that looks like http://sitename/join?code=yht5uQYju7u4WrUmE6ac

Using a valid code is enforced but codes don't ever seem to expire and can be used any number of times.  That doesn't seem right.
ross Team
ross Sep 22 '14
Yes, this issue has been reported, it will be fixed in one of the upcoming updates. 
allyn Sep 22 '14
Thank you.  Is there a bugzilla or similar where we can view known Oxwall bugs?
Sascha Nov 23 '14
Bugzilla would be great. :-)
ross Team
ross Nov 23 '14
No, there's no such place.