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Marco Castilho
Marco Castilho Sep 22 '14

My site was done on another platform http://moxi9.com/phpfox and I wanted to know if you have to transfer, my clients oxwaal platform and to become part of this group. 

Because I think you have many more features and plugins. 

Sera q q would someone could help me on this ??

O meu site foi feito em outra plataforma  http://moxi9.com/phpfox e eu queria saber se tem como transferir, os meus clientes para plataforma oxwaal e passar a fazer parte deste grupo.Pq eu acho que vocês tem muito mais recursos, e plugins.Sera q teria alguem q pudesse me ajudar nisto??

The Forum post is edited by ross Oct 5 '14
ross Team
ross Sep 22 '14
You need to develop a script of conversion in order to do that, or hire a programmer to do that for you. As these pieces of the software use different models. 

Or you can try CSV import plugin from the Oxwall store: http://www.oxwall.org/store/item/718 to import,basic data of the users, username, age, sex. But you won't be able to transfer other content, like photo, different posts etc. 

Marco Castilho
Marco Castilho Sep 29 '14

But you guys know of any company or someone who could do this ?? so for me to have the idea of ​​value.

Mas vcs sabem de alguma empresa ou alguem que poderia fazer isto?? so para eu ter a ideia de valor

ross Team
ross Sep 29 '14
You can find a programmer here: http://www.oxwall.org/market/specialists
Marco Castilho
Marco Castilho Oct 3 '14

But it will be that this plugin would work to matter these data from another platform ?? 

because the platform is http://moxi9.com/phpfox my website today and pass this data to the platform for you.

Mas sera que este plugin iria funcionar para importa estes dados de outra plataforma??porque a plataforma do meu site hoje é http://moxi9.com/phpfox e que passar estes dados para a plataforma de vocês.

ross Team
ross Oct 5 '14
Yes, you need to speak about these details with the programmer