$sValidator = new FloatValidator(0.5, PHOTO_BOL_PhotoService::getInstance()->getMaxUploadFileSize());
However the value in the admin photo settings won't change, as it is a language value, you can do the search and change the value from 0.5 to one you want
However the value in the admin photo settings won't change, as it is a language value, you can do the search and change the value from 0.5 to one you want.
So, Me CHANGING It In (ow_plugins/photo/controllers/admin.php) ISN'T Enough To ONLY Allow Up To 0.15 Megs? :--)
$dtoArr = $this->service->processUploadedFile($pluginKey, $item, $bundle, array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif'), 2000);
2000 this is 2Mb
In NEWSFEED, It STILL ALLOWS OVER 0.15 Photos. In Photos, It' s MAX 0.15. :--)