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Facebook connect fix anytime? | Forum

Béla Nov 12 '11

I was wondering if you will fix the Facebook connect problem?Currently only users with english names can use it to login to Oxwall.
(As facebook is sending the whole name, whether its in cyrillic or having any of the characters used in European languages, etc..)
Béla Nov 13 '11
Thanks, I saw that post before, but I couldnt get it to work, since I am not really a coder.
Now with a bit of a trial and error, seems to be working on my test site. :) 
Maybe you should also use this on this forum? :P
Anyhow, I really love Oxwall, the way it looks and feels.Good job, and I am sure this will become a great thing! (Maybe it already is?)
I will buy you some coffee...
Michael I.
Michael I. Nov 14 '11

We cannot add this solution to the Oxwall since it is not the official solution from Facebook and probably won't work for all languages. BTW, what version of Facebook Connect do you use?