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New pages and WYSIWYG editor | Forum

Andrew Nov 12 '11

I am not quite sure where to look for this one.

The only way that I can identify to create new pages is to try to insert a page in a menu. That produces a small textarea which is identified as content. It expects HTML. I have two questions:
(a) Is there any OTHER way of creating pages and
(b) How can I get a WYSIWYG editor to help me produce pages? I guess I could use an external editor and paste, but that is not always possible or convenient. Should I get the tinymce editor plugin? And if so, do I really have to modify .htaccess??? What about FCKeditor?

Thank you for any help
Keelan Leader
Keelan Nov 13 '11
/admin/pages/manage Create a page and insert HTML code.

Yes you can use frontpage/dreamweaver etc and just copy and paste the code over. You don't need to edit the htaccess.
Andrew Nov 13 '11
Thank you