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debug messages on profile pages? | Forum

Christopher John
Christopher John Sep 24 '14
When debug is false I see the errors and when I turn it on they go away...

Any ideas?  Thanks

Kяuncн Leader
Kяuncн Sep 24 '14
You have one set at !true, replace with false
tammy harris
tammy harris Sep 24 '14
Do you use admin tool box
ross Team
ross Sep 24 '14

Mainly these are notices and you can just ignore them

what is this widget 'classified items'?

you need to contact plugin developer to resolve your issue. 

tammy harris
tammy harris Sep 25 '14
he say setting debug to false =  debug is working
setting debug to true  = debug not working

this happens if you have debug set to true when you install plugin admin toolbox  
as it has a debug override that gets everything confused if debug is set to true on installing it

to fix the problem uninstall admin toolbox   set debug to false then reinstall admin toolbox  
ross Team
ross Sep 25 '14
Just entered your website Crhis, debug set to false with !true, no errors. Everything works as it should be
Christopher John
Christopher John Sep 25 '14
Just went into ftp and debug was still set to true so I switched it back to off an debug errors came back.  I guess its the 3rd party theme that is not gelling with another 3rd party classifieds pro app that are all sold on here.  I would highly NOT recommend buying any of the facebook themes as they all dont seem to work right and most not at all.  I have deleted the classifieds plugin until I swap themes in future.  What is weird though is everyting seems to work fine in debug mode with no error messages but I dont know if its good to always have debug on?   Thanks for all the feedback
The Forum post is edited by Christopher John Sep 25 '14
Kяuncн Leader
Kяuncн Sep 25 '14
No you shouldn't keep debug on at all times.
Best practice for enabling is to use the else at line 40 as follows:

    * Make changes in this block if you want to enable DEV mode and DEBUG mode

    define('OW_DEBUG_MODE', !false);
    define('OW_DEV_MODE', !false);
    define('OW_PROFILER_ENABLE', !false);

When finished simply remove the ! marks you see set at per false, save changes, now your completely out of debug mode.
The Forum post is edited by Kяuncн Sep 25 '14
ross Team
ross Sep 25 '14
Chris are we talking about socil vegan domain? because as I said entered your website yesterday with the details you sent me, debug was set to false with !true, no errors on my profile page. Everything works as it should be
Christopher John
Christopher John Sep 26 '14
Thanks but when you looked at it Ross it was set to true on purpose because it didnt show the errors in that mode but I understand I shouldnt leave debug set to true so I reset it to false and then removed the 3rd party apps that were causing problem until I have time to deal. Right now my main concern is with the cron jobs that still dont seem to be working.  I will PM you details on the cron status and thanks. 

ross Team
ross Sep 28 '14
Chris, you debug was set like this !true - which is false, and no erros, just like it should be.