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Making Forms other than registration form | Forum

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Andrew Nov 14 '11
I would like to make my own forms for collecting various kinds of information. Is there a mechanism built into oxwall to make this possible or do we have to rely on some other system to collect information?
Of course, I am referring here to a form other than the registration form.

Thank you for any help

Den Team
Den Nov 14 '11
Oxwal already has it's own form system. This system contains some predefined form's fields like input text, textarea, selectbox and etc. Does it what you need?
Keelan Leader
Keelan Nov 14 '11
Surveys? Then no.
Andrew Nov 14 '11
No not surveys - I am thinking of a form supplying specific information. I would like it to be separate from each person's profile and, if possible, configurable in some simple way.

Den Team
Den Nov 14 '11
Sorry Andrew, but it is too diffuse description. I couldn't give you any specific answer.
Max Nov 14 '11
I think he would likes to define his own registration form by admin panel but I don't know exactly.
Andrew, please give us more detais of what you want.
Andrew Nov 15 '11
Thanks for the replies. I want to create a form which is separate from and in addition to the registration form. For example, it might be a form which explains why a member should be given a research grant. It would be a lot like what was called a "survey" in the above discussion but without the stats. Something like the wordpress plugin which lets you design and deliver many forms.

From the discussion so far, I suspect that the answer to my question is "no" and I would need to write my own form from scratch (which is ok - but I need to know that it is the only option).

Max Nov 15 '11
Yes, it's the only option.
Andrew Nov 15 '11
Thank you very much
Melvin Feb 25 '12
yes i believe that we need to have a form plugin which is separate with the membership or registration, it can help us build some information like getting survey on a different way. and a dorm which is also available for non members of the community of that oxwall site to use and give information
Alexis Apr 21 '12
I need something like this, it's not a registration form, it's a form to optain data, or something like a test where I store the data in a new  table  or  database. I need the current user to know who is filling the form.

I think that all the plugins need this to know who is interacting with it.

Thanks for any help.

Michael I.
Michael I. May 8 '12
As was discussed in this topic, it would require a code modification to create a new form.
Alexis May 8 '12
Andrew, at  http://docs.oxwall.org/dev:begin:crash-course ,  This is a course to learn how to make a contact form (plugin), you can learn how to make forms with oxwall, the controller creates the programming: input, textarea,etc (php) and the views creates the html to show in page.