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(1.7.1) Mobile Instant Chat has some annoying bugs. | Forum

JB TECH Sep 27 '14
Please refer to the attached image. It seems in both Oxwall 1.7 and 1.7.1, the Instant Chat (or IM, NOT the Private Messaging) for Oxwall has problems - the main one being that when you load onto a conversation and sit there for a moment, a random selection of all of your old messages appear to you without you ever hitting the "Load Earlier Messages" button. This is very inconvenient and bad for the look and feel of websites.

Now, bugs for the rest of the mobile side to the Messages plugin:
In the updated list, the actual PMs/IMs that updated (new) will usually be placed second and/or third, while a older, non-updated convo goes on the top. This can be confusing since the default style doesn't signify which conversation updated (I've modified my mobile.css files to change this however).

Next is the "online orbs." On the list of your conversations, it shows the online green orb on all usernames, even if their online or not (and yes, I've tested and debugged and found this is not a site speed and/or cron-related problem).

Does anyone else have these problems? Also, if these are confirmed will they be fixed in the next update? Thanks!

(Attached image 1 refers to the random message loads)
(Attached image 2 refers to the online problem)
ross Team
ross Sep 29 '14
This one:  the main one being that when you load onto a conversation and sit there for a moment, a random selection of all of your old messages appear to you without you ever hitting the "Load Earlier Messages" button

been reported and will be fixed in one of the upcoming updates. 

This one: Next is the "online orbs." On the list of your conversations, it shows the online green orb on all usernames, even if their online or not (and yes, I've tested and debugged and found this is not a site speed and/or cron-related problem).

also been reported. 

as to this bug: Now, bugs for the rest of the mobile side to the Messages plugin:

In the updated list, the actual PMs/IMs that updated (new) will usually be placed second and/or third, while a older, non-updated convo goes on the top. This can be confusing since the default style doesn't signify which conversation updated (I've modified my mobile.css files to change this however).

can you please provide screenshot before and after as it is difficult to understand the issue