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Message Plugin Issues in oxwall.org | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Purusothaman Ramanujam
Message plugin was working fine for past few weeks without any issues.

Now suddenly I see lot of issues coming again.

1) Newly send messages to an user is shown as "unread" message to myself. Open the messsage in full view and send a private message to an user. You can see this.

2) My profile avatar is not shown in the message

3) Although I have read all messages, its still showing 8 unread messages.

4) Already messages which I have read are still highlighted as unread.
ross Team
ross Sep 29 '14
Purusothaman, yes we have reported the issue with the unread messages even though they've been read. 

As to the profile avatar not shown in the message issue, we cannot reproduce that, can you please share your URL

Purusothaman Ramanujam
Avatar issue was solved automatically. Please ignore it.
tammy harris
tammy harris Sep 29 '14
paru are you use speed optimizer compressor plugin

it stuffs avatars and thumbs up in messages and on site 
the dev is working on fixing it
Purusothaman Ramanujam
No. I mean I see the issues on oxwall.org site.
ross Team
ross Sep 29 '14
Yes, we are aware of these issues, they been reported to our developers and will be fixed asap. 
Purusothaman Ramanujam
Search is also not working.
ross Team
ross Sep 30 '14
Thanks Purusothaman, we have reported this as well. 
Purusothaman Ramanujam
I am seeing more and more issues with the message plugin in oxwall.org.

To be frank its totally annoying with the level of messages that I get daily.