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CAPTCHA Issue solved | Forum

Piet Sep 27 '14
hi, on my login page is not visible captcha I have taken all the steps of Troubleshooting Issue CAPTCHA (Captcha not being displayed). but this did not help, if I follow the link from the captcha I get the following error, the image may not display because it contains errors
  my gd, I think, okay
GD Support enabled
GD Version 2.1.1-dev
FreeType Support enabled
FreeType Linkage with freetype
FreeType Version 2.5.2
POISON Read Support enabled
POISON Create Support enabled
JPEG Support enabled
libjpeg Version 8
PNG Support enabled
libPNG Version 1.2.50
WBMP Support enabled
XPM Support enabled
libXpm Version 30411
XBM Support enabled
WebP Support enabled
I hope someone knows this to be solved
Thanks piet
The Forum post is edited by Piet Sep 28 '14
tammy harris
tammy harris Sep 28 '14
theres somthing on fix captcha not showing here
Piet Sep 28 '14
I found the problem what cause the captcha issu.
it was the way that i save the config.php file :S  not sure way that was the problem because the site was working fine acept the captsha
tammy thnx for your help
ross Team
ross Sep 28 '14
Piet, can you please specify, what do you mean by the way that you save your config.php file?
Guichard Sep 30 '14

I've got the same problem, since One or two days, image captcha don't display (before, during on year : no problem)

I ask to my hoster, the config is good...

You can see info-mandataire.com/join

thanks for your help

ross Team
ross Sep 30 '14
Please follow the instructions in this tutorial: http://docs.oxwall.org/faq:captcha-troubleshooting