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Moving my database and get this error | Forum

Kenneth Oct 1 '14

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I was just wondering if someone knew how to fix this. I am trying to move hosts and I am wondering if I'm just supposed to delete the plug-in database from my SQL?
ross Team
ross Oct 1 '14
what do you mean you're moving your database? Please elaborate what you're trying to achieve and the steps taken. 
Kenneth Oct 2 '14

Quote from ross what do you mean you're moving your database? Please elaborate what you're trying to achieve and the steps taken. 

I am changing hosts


I was following this tutorial. First I tried to use a zipped SQL and got this error just with less details so I tried again without it being zipped and once again saw this error but with me details.
ross Team
ross Oct 2 '14
I'm sorry but you will need contact your hosting providers to resolve this issue. It has nothing to do with the software.