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Newsfeed Error[Solved] | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Michael Oct 2 '14
Everytime you post a picture or a video by its url into the status box and hit Send it comes up with a red bar saying ERROR. The video or picture still gets posted.

If you add text with the image or video it still comes up saying ERROR but doesnt post it.

When I enable debug mode the error changes to "parseerror".

Can anyone advise me on how to fix this or pin point what is causing the error's?
The Forum post is edited by ross Oct 2 '14
Michael Oct 2 '14
When you send someone a virtual gift you get the same error, when you refresh the page the gift was sent but displays an error and doesnt appear until you refresh the page.
Michael Oct 2 '14
Cheer Ross
Michael Oct 2 '14

This is what appears when reproducing the error
ross Team
ross Oct 2 '14
Michael this is not default newsfeed plugin right?
The Forum post is edited by ross Oct 2 '14
Michael Oct 2 '14
Heres the proper error

Michael Oct 2 '14

This is the default plugin but with addons like the plugin "newsfeed trend"
ross Team
ross Oct 2 '14
Please enable debug mode and reproduce your last actions
Michael Oct 2 '14
The error is pointing social pop-up blocker which I no longer have and uninstalled
Michael Oct 2 '14
Ok will do
Michael Oct 2 '14
This is with debug mode

This is the message above the parse error in the console

ross Team
ross Oct 2 '14
Michael please disable all 3rd party plugins, there's some javascript conflict which causes this error, disable them one-by-one and see which one causes the issue. I would start with the newsfeed trend plugin. 
Michael Oct 2 '14
I will give it ago, thanks for your time
Michael Oct 2 '14
Right it kinda works now, it was the plugin called "progress bar" that was causing the issues.....

So now once that plugin is deactivated I can post video urls etc and the error doesnt appear, BUT, if you write text with that video the video publishes without the text.

So if you're posting a video about cats and write a status that goes with it like "cats are awesome" the text part doesnt appear.

No errors are appearing in the console
ross Team
ross Oct 2 '14
You will need to contact plugin developer of the progress bar to resolve this issue. 

This is how it works, if you need to add a title to the video or description, you need to embed the video in the video section and add it there. 

However it is a reasonable suggestion, you can post it on the uservoice, here: http://oxwall.uservoice.com/forums/13756-ideas-for-oxwall

Michael Oct 2 '14
Ah ok, thanks again Ross, helpful as always ☺