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How can i just reset all members passwords? | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
jeo Nov 18 '11
Its nearly been over a mouth now with out getting my site to work, i couldn't at first login keep having errors, then i lost everything on my site members & etc, then just imported my backup & now no one can login because i lost my old salt value. All i just ask for is a way to get my site working again by seting all passwords to a default one that i could just display on the login page! Or i have no choose to start again :(
Michael I.
Michael I. Nov 21 '11
Jeo, I understand your frustration but Oxwall is free open-source product. As you can see, most of its users are satisfied with this software. Mostly, issues occurs only because of hosting servers settings. 
You were given all instructions on how to restore passwords on your site and I would recommend you either hiring a developer that will help you solving problems or move to Wall.fm where you don't need to face difficulties related to software code.
Keelan Leader
Keelan Nov 21 '11
Create a default account and copy the password encryption from the database to each users password field in phpmyadmin or something similar.

Not sure if forgot password function would work? 
Michael I.
Michael I. Nov 21 '11
Forgot password will work on a new install. But as jeo said, that is not an option for him.
Mark Nov 22 '11
why would forgot password not work? i restored a backup and installed it onto a new domain, reset password via forgot password and all was good.
jeo Nov 22 '11
hi guys, i know what you all mean forgot password would be easier but i couldn't reset my password as a admin it said "email not found" and also iv just restarted my site from scratch again so this time i will know what to expect plus know how to solve it. thanks everyone for your help
Michael Leader
Michael Nov 23 '11
i did this for a user previously.
you can create a default user, get their encrypted password string from the database.  once you have the string you can run a sql query on the database to replace the password field with your default string in all users password field within the users table.