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chat problems getting worse | Forum

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tammy harris
tammy harris Oct 12 '14
2000 friends makes page loading time so bad makes the site useless

chat problems are getting worse every day 
double post is at 50% of the time now 

a lot of the time it will just sit there and repeat the post over and over 
untill refresh the page

chat sound  lots of times have to dissable it then reinable it to get it working

lots of times the text hint
text message 
get posted with the message so if u say good morning to some one it comes out like this

{texgood morningt message}

users are showing up online to one user but ofilne to another

the chat tabs rearrange them self's on going to another page 
say u have 4 chats 

bill          bob          ben            tim

go to another page you get

tim      bob           ben              bill

the double post problem and text hint seam to get worse if you have 2 or more site pages open in another tab with 3 chats going is almost 80% will stuff up 

tammy harris
tammy harris Oct 13 '14
some messages dont show up correct in chat

ross Team
ross Oct 13 '14
This one: double post is at 50% of the time now 

a lot of the time it will just sit there and repeat the post over and over 
untill refresh the page

been already reported

This one: 

chat sound  lots of times have to dissable it then reinable it to get it working

How can we reproduce that?Please provide step-by-step instructions. 

This one: lots of times the text hint

text message 
get posted with the message so if u say good morning to some one it comes out like this

{texgood morningt message}

How can we reproduce that? Please provide step-by-step instructions. 

This one:

users are showing up online to one user but ofilne to another

been already reported

This one: 

the chat tabs rearrange them self's on going to another page 
say u have 4 chats 

bill          bob          ben            tim

go to another page you get

tim      bob           ben              bill

How can we reproduce that? Please provide step-by-step instructions. 

as to this one: 

some messages dont show up correct in chat

please switch to the default theme disable smileys plugin and try again

Please do the testing with the default plugins enabled and themes only. 

tammy harris
tammy harris Oct 14 '14
chat sound 
open a chat do a post click enter no sound
mouse over sound  and popup says click to disable it so click to disable it 
do post no sound 
click enable sound 
do post sound works 

chat re arrange it self 
open 4 chats do few posts in each random then go to another page the chat boxes re arrange them selfs to different places 
do more random chats then go another page chats re arrange them selfs again 
its seams to go in order of last chat or something 

is very confusing on go to another page and quick answer something and you send wrong person as the chat boxes have moved

some messages dont show up correct in chat

this seams to happen on when i have lots pages open and few browsers open doing lots of stuff and have computer working hard ie convert video at same times
i have try on 4 different computers and all is fine untill i make the computer work hard 

and yes is same on default theme and with just default plugins 
but like that i have to make computer work even harder to get errors 

ross Team
ross Oct 16 '14
we cannot reproduce these issues, please PM me your admin details. 
tammy harris
tammy harris Oct 18 '14
also my error logs are fill up with errors from mailbox
/mailbox/ajax/update-user-info/ 500 (Internal Server Error)  missing  jquery.min.js:6

do you want the details for the user with lots of friends so u can see that problem again 
tammy harris
tammy harris Oct 18 '14
PHP Fatal error:  Call to a member function getId() on a non-object in

/ow_plugins/mailbox/controllers/ajax.php on line 111
tammy harris
tammy harris Oct 18 '14
frommemory ross you said these error are from deleted users  and there missing avatars

the deleted users are problem site wide
ross Team
ross Oct 20 '14
Quote from Tammy PHP Fatal error:  Call to a member function getId() on a non-object in

/ow_plugins/mailbox/controllers/ajax.php on line 111

as to this one, it will be fixed in the upcoming update of the software. 

as to the other issues - please PM me your Cpanel and admin details for the website.