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owncloud file hosting | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Stefi Oct 15 '14
Hello, it is posible save photos and videos to own cloud server?  Thanks? 

It is possible upload photos on Facebook account?

Den Team
Den Oct 16 '14
Topic was moved from Oxwall Store.
ross Team
ross Oct 16 '14
You can do that on the integrated cloud services: Amazon and Rockspace only. 

What do you mean by uploading photos to Facebook account? Do you mean sharing?

Stefi Oct 16 '14
I have installed OXWALLI on a CPANEL and i have limited of space. I am intetested to be  able to storn the pictures and the videos of the users on other side on a free server for storning,to be able to upload automaticly on a facebook account for example,or the best way it would be to be able to use it in cloud mode on my own server (OWNCLOUD server)but for this i dont know what i have to modify in oxwall to be able to acces the owncloud server. Owncloud server it seems for  me the easiest way to install on a Linux Debian,and with a client under the windows it works  easy.Thank you!
ross Team
ross Oct 19 '14
You need to develop the API of this service in order to transfer files from the website to this cloud and establish connection between them. This is a paid plugin development you will need to hire a programmer to do that for you. 
Stefi Oct 20 '14
OK, what is the cost of the plugins? Thanks
ross Team
ross Oct 20 '14
I don't know, you need to get that info from the programmer you hire. 
Stefi Oct 20 '14
Could you please put me in contact with an oxwall programator? 
Stefi Oct 23 '14