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Promo Codes?[Answered] | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Mike Smith
Mike Smith Oct 20 '14
Hello all,

I was curious if there are any plugins that anyone is aware of that allows admins to set promo codes to memberships?

We are in the process of building an adult dating service and we will be running TV commercials. Our initial goal was to put different promo codes on various advertising mediums. 

I emailed skadate support and they do not offer a promo solution so I was curious if anyone knew of any plugin that accomplished this?

Thanks in advance for your help/guidance.

The Forum post is edited by ross Nov 3 '14
Shaun Oct 20 '14
The paid membership plugin needs a payment gateway like Paypal.

I dont know of any plugins allowing you too set up a discount code but maybe the payment gateway would let you set one up.
Mike Smith
Mike Smith Oct 20 '14
Yes - I have paid membership enabled with both paypal and CCbill. I more or less wanted to set something up such as:

Enter Promo 45346 and get a FREE one month Gold Membership (which is normally $XX.00 a month) 

ross Team
ross Oct 20 '14
I believe there's no such plugin in the store, this is a paid plugin development. You need to hire a programmer to do that for you. 
Mike Smith
Mike Smith Nov 3 '14
Ok thanks Ross, appreciate the response. 
ross Team
ross Nov 3 '14
My pleasure.