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Not localized: "Please make selection" | Forum

Maxim Kotov
Maxim Kotov Oct 22 '14

on page /profile/avatar
when editing the avatar
ross Team
ross Oct 22 '14
you need to apply the crop first

Maxim Kotov
Maxim Kotov Oct 22 '14
and how this would localize the text?
ross Team
ross Oct 22 '14
what text? you need to apply the crop selection
Maxim Kotov
Maxim Kotov Oct 23 '14
please read the topic name - "Not localized"
the bug is in localization
this is not a question on how to use the feature
ross Team
ross Oct 23 '14
What bug, provide a screenshot, elaborate the problem?It's hard to understand you. 
Maxim Kotov
Maxim Kotov Oct 23 '14
Switch to another language and try to translate the text of the error.
Maxim Kotov
Maxim Kotov Oct 23 '14
or ask a developer to explain you what does it mean "Not localized error"
The Forum post is edited by Maxim Kotov Oct 23 '14
ross Team
ross Oct 23 '14
in /ow_system_plugins/base/controllers/avatar.php

find function crop

after this line: 

 OW::getDocument()->addScript($staticJsUrl . 'crop_avatar.js');

add this line:

   OW::getLanguage()->addKeyForJs('base', 'crop_msg');

then go to :


replace alert at the bottom of the code with this one: 

alert(OW.getLanguageText('base', 'crop_msg'));

then go to the admin panel/language section

switch to the dev www.yoursite.com/admin/dev-tools/languages

click on add new text

choose base as a section

key is crop_msg

and your translation. 

Then enable dev mode and refresh your website, clear browser cache. 

Next time, please provide more detailed information in your request if you want to get effective assistance on our part.