As we all know part of being a webmaster includes the constant battle of keeping your site running efficiently,,,
a tedious task to say the least, especially if your utilizing Shared Hosting services..
As you can see from the above Screenie my site is running efficient, to some efficient enough, to Me, Not efficient enough, a Load time of anything over the 2 second mark is unacceptable...
After further digging into this issue I have found the issue/Source may be related to the script at: public_html/index.php as this particular script is running high Cpu's...
Proof is in the pudding
Top Process %CPU 105 /usr/bin/php /home/krunch/public_html/index.php
Top Process %CPU 93.0 /usr/bin/php /home/krunch/public_html/index.php
Top Process %CPU 88.0 /usr/bin/php /home/krunch/public_html/index.php
I'd like to add that I'm so busy doing other things I rarely have time to properly network/Keep members active, so at best I may have anywhere from 2 to 5 members on at any given time, sometimes I have zero online members, shit happens I say - LoL, no matter, my site's Cpu's should Not be running this high!,
Any Ideas from anyone?