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problem 1.7.1 with file upload - Advertisement | Forum

Valerio Oct 26 '14
Hi. I have a problem when active the plugin advertisement and file uplod in the same time. Oxwall give me an error e500 with the problem relative to ifile_ads_enabled
Oxwall Software
Oxwall Software Oct 28 '14
Provide the whole error please.
Oxwall Software
Oxwall Software Nov 3 '14
Amen, please create a separate post with your request, as it has nothing to do with the topic.
Mashoor Classified
Mashoor Classified Nov 25 '14

Is that possible to add each slide with hyperlinked on this advertisement plugin? Like if the slide contains 30 ads and all ads should be hyperlinked. 

For Example:

Slideshow Time: 300 seconds

Each Slide Time: 5 seconds

Total Ads: 30 

Hyperlinked Each Ads: Yes

This thing can be possible on this plugin?

Oxwall Software
Oxwall Software Nov 27 '14
This is a custom code modification of the plugin. You can hire a programmer to do that for you here: http://www.oxwall.org/market/specialists
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