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Email Notifications | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
JoshWho Oct 26 '14
Any way to change Notify by email after 2 days offline to just email instantly if offline?
tammy harris
tammy harris Oct 26 '14
do a search alia answered this long time ago
JoshWho Oct 26 '14
What keywords should i use to search for it im not finding by email notifications
JoshWho Oct 26 '14
never mind its not going to do what im looking for. I will code it myself. Im going to make notifications all separate so when some one gets messaged and there offline they will get that instantly and other notifications to wait 2 days 
tammy harris
tammy harris Oct 26 '14
find the forum is only one thing you need change 
the word auto  to immediately 
ross Team
ross Oct 26 '14
http://www.oxwall.org/forum/topic/10490 probably this will help you in your coding. 
The Forum post is edited by ross Oct 26 '14