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Is it possible to add members by Admin | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
alsaidy Nov 25 '11
How is that
Owen Baines
Owen Baines Nov 25 '11
Not Possible.
Keelan Leader
Keelan Nov 25 '11
You can create a member the normal way just register then login as admin then approve that account :)
Owen Baines
Owen Baines Nov 26 '11
Quote from Keelan You can create a member the normal way just register then login as admin then approve that account :)

Yea, Thats the only way. However Keelan i believe he was Asking if it was possible to create a member straight from admin like, Email, Username, Role. Done.

But yea, Thats the only way to create a member.
Michael I.
Michael I. Nov 27 '11
Members can be also added via database ;)