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Suggestion for a new thread[Answered] | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Dominick Oct 28 '14
I'd like to suggest a new thread for plugin for requests and suggestions. I realize that many developers that write plugins also have Oxwall sites. From what I've seen, the majority are dating related. Oxwall has so many other potential uses as Social platform. Perhaps if there was a clear forum thread the purpose of suggestions, developers might receive some good ideas for new or modified versions of plugins that could be quite profitable. 

For example: Someone might want to make a plugin to integrate "Tapatalk's" API for forums. It's very popular app for accessing forums. Such a plugin would be useful for anyone utilizing forums.

The Forum post is edited by ross Oct 29 '14
ross Team
ross Oct 28 '14
Dominick Oct 29 '14
Thanks.  I'll check it out