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Greg Palmer
Greg Palmer Oct 29 '14
Hi, please can somebody help me. I removed a line of HTML from here see "attach-1"

This caused the following bug; [No longer 3 in a line - only 2!] attach-2

And also caused the following error - attach-3

You will see admin is logged in, but "search user" tells me to log in.

Please can somebody help me fix this by posting the HTML line I removed from "attach-1'' so I can put it back and hope it will fix the 2 abreast to 3 abreast. Sorry about the mission.

Thank you in advance.


The Forum post is edited by ross Oct 30 '14
  attach-1.JPG (13Kb)
  attach-2.JPG (8Kb)
  attach-3.JPG (56Kb)
Den Team
Den Oct 29 '14
Topic was moved from Oxwall Store.
ross Team
ross Oct 29 '14
How did you remove the line?
Greg Palmer
Greg Palmer Oct 29 '14
Hi Ross, I removed it from here because I was trying to have the feature of users online without ALL users "View all" so that competition can't canvass my members. I'd rather put it back tho as it was.


This is from admin-user dashboard

ross Team
ross Oct 29 '14
Greg, I tried to do the same on my test website. However even after removing the same line in welcome widget, I got no problems. 

Can you please PM me your url and admin details? I'll take a look at the issue. 

ross Team
ross Oct 30 '14
Greg, as to this problem: 


you just disabled this option in the roles both for guests and free members which is why you had this message

as to this issue: http://www.oxwall.org/ow_userfiles/plugins/base/6983-attach-2.JPG

I could not check it as I got e500.php error, please enable debug mode or provide in PM your FTP access details. 

The Forum post is edited by ross Oct 30 '14
Greg Palmer
Greg Palmer Oct 30 '14
Hi Ross, how do you enable de-bug mode?
ross Team
ross Oct 30 '14
Let me know when you do that
Greg Palmer
Greg Palmer Oct 30 '14
Hi ross 

debug now true

ross Team
ross Oct 30 '14
Greg, this issue http://www.oxwall.org/ow_userfiles/plugins/base/6983-attach-2.JPG

happened because you drop a users widget in the sidebar, there's no enough space for displaying buttons in one row

I took a liberty and put in the place where the main content is, now they display properly. 

ross Team
ross Oct 30 '14
Please check all your reported "issues" so I could check this post as Solved. 
Greg Palmer
Greg Palmer Oct 30 '14

Quote from ross Greg, this issue http://www.oxwall.org/ow_userfiles/plugins/base/6983-attach-2.JPG

happened because you drop a users widget in the sidebar, there's no enough space for displaying buttons in one row

I took a liberty and put in the place where the main content is, now they display properly. 

Quote from ross Greg, this issue http://www.oxwall.org/ow_userfiles/plugins/base/6983-attach-2.JPG

happened because you drop a users widget in the sidebar, there's no enough space for displaying buttons in one row

I took a liberty and put in the place where the main content is, now they display properly. 

They were always on the sidebar displayed 3 across each row.

I now click on "Classifieds" and get a message to sign in even though it is enable in admin for all to see

Greg Palmer
Greg Palmer Oct 30 '14

Quote from ross Please check all your reported "issues" so I could check this post as Solved. 
How do I do this?

ross Team
ross Oct 30 '14
You need to add this user role for guest and free members here: yoursite.com/admin/permissions/roles

please check our manual: http://docs.oxwall.org/overview:user_manual it will help you to manage your site more effectively. 

as to the this, this never was like you're saying, you can test it on our demo as well. 

Greg Palmer
Greg Palmer Oct 30 '14
Thanks for your patience Ross. How do I check reported issues?
ross Team
ross Oct 30 '14
Just check if the issues you reported are now fixed and everything work and is displayed properly. Then confirm and I'll mark the post as Solved. 
The Forum post is edited by ross Oct 30 '14
Greg Palmer
Greg Palmer Oct 30 '14
Hi Ross,

My users have been 3 abreast in the sidebar with the buttons "Latest,Online,Featured" also abreast of each other since I started this site couple months back. IT HAS ALWAYS BEEN LIKE THAT. Not 2 abreast. Never! You can clearly see the three buttons appear goofed. Anyway pity you couldn't solve.

Keep up the good work and excellent customer service.

ross Team
ross Oct 30 '14
They probably been 3 in a row but not in the sidebar, as I said there's no enough space for that and always been. Which is why they smashed together like that in the sidebar
The Forum post is edited by ross Oct 30 '14
Greg Palmer
Greg Palmer Oct 30 '14
My users have been 3 abreast in the sidebar with the buttons "Latest,Online,Featured" also abreast of each other since I started this site couple months back. IT HAS ALWAYS BEEN LIKE THAT. Not 2 abreast. Never! 


Ross please can you give me all the code frpm attach-1 so I can put it back to see if it will help. Thanks 

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