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Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
ross Team
ross Oct 30 '14
What code from the attach?
Greg Palmer
Greg Palmer Oct 30 '14
All the original html code found in here in attach-4, so I will end up with the original as per attach-1. Thanks Greg

  attach-1.JPG (13Kb)
  attach-4.JPG (30Kb)
ross Team
ross Oct 30 '14
you can take it on our demo website
Greg Palmer
Greg Palmer Oct 30 '14

Now works fine.

Greg Palmer
Greg Palmer Oct 30 '14
One last question Ross, is there anyway after signing in/up to change the landing page from Dashboard to Home?
ross Team
ross Oct 30 '14
No, it still look like this:

just checked it

ross Team
ross Oct 30 '14
Go to the Pages and Menus section and drag and drop home page before dashboard
ross Team
ross Oct 30 '14
Greg, please one request per topic
Greg Palmer
Greg Palmer Oct 30 '14
Ross, it has to be a browser issue. I use Chrome and the attach I sent you was recent.

Here is a screenshot showing "online" I took at 11h33 now

Greg Palmer
Greg Palmer Oct 30 '14
I have just tried it in Explorer, same as Chrome.....3 across
ross Team
ross Oct 30 '14
Allright, I'm going to mark this thread as Solved then. 
Greg Palmer
Greg Palmer Oct 30 '14
Cool bru, and shot for your help and patience. Have an extra beer tomorrow after work.
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