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Fatal Database Error | Forum

Webster Molaudi
Webster Molaudi Oct 31 '14
Hi Oxwallers,

I keep getting these email notifications, anyone know how to fix this ?

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 268435456 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 3667 bytes) in /home/myvirgo3/public_html/ow_core/database.php on line 331

Matthew D Zavoras
Matthew D Zavoras Oct 31 '14
sounds like maybe not enough memory on the server to handle requests. If your on a VPS edit your php.ini file with more memory. If your on shared hosting it might be capped, meaning you or they will not change it. It could also be something calling to many requests.
The Forum post is edited by Matthew D Zavoras Oct 31 '14
Webster Molaudi
Webster Molaudi Oct 31 '14
Hi Matthew,

Im on a Semi Dedicated Server and how would one know which plugin and clear whatever that is using such huge memory ?
The Forum post is edited by Webster Molaudi Oct 31 '14
Matthew D Zavoras
Matthew D Zavoras Oct 31 '14
Have to try one at a time.
tammy harris
tammy harris Nov 1 '14
messages im chat smashed the db on every page load 
ross Team
ross Nov 2 '14
Quote from Matthew D Zavoras Have to try one at a time.

Matthew +1, you need to disable one by one and see if the error persists. Also you can try to truncate ow_newsfeed_action_set table in your DB. 
Webster Molaudi
Webster Molaudi Nov 3 '14
Hi Ross,

I went to the table and this is what i have :

MySQL returned an empty result set (i.e. zero rows). (Query took 0.0002 sec)
ross Team
ross Nov 3 '14
Alright, then the problem is different. Have you disabled plugins one by one?
Webster Molaudi
Webster Molaudi Nov 4 '14
Hi Ross,

I will.... i have over 50 plugins installed.....so i will make time to do so :) hope oxwall will have the option to disable or rather bulk select plugins to disable in the near future.....!!
ross Team
ross Nov 4 '14
Alright, keep us updated