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Gallery Folder Location[Solved] | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
MsBree Nov 2 '14
Can someone please tell me how a user can locate all the images they have uploaded to their gallery?  I have a user who uploaded several images while creating a blog post, and now he wants to delete them but cannot locate where to do this.  They are not in any of his photo albums.

As more and more people keep uploading photos and then changing their mind, surely there must a way for a user to easily delete them or I'm going to run out of room very quickly on my server!

thank you!
The Forum post is edited by ross Nov 3 '14
ross Team
ross Nov 2 '14
He/she needs to open the iframe which he/she used for uploading the images go to the Gallery tab, and manually find the image and delete it. 

as to this one: 

there must a way for a user to easily delete them or I'm going to run out of room very quickly on my server! 

you can make a suggestion on uservoice: http://oxwall.uservoice.com/forums/13756-ideas-for-oxwall

MsBree Nov 3 '14
Thank you Ross for the suggestion url, which I will definitely put together!  I can hardly imagine a lay person attempting to follow these simple instructions, let alone even care about cleaning out their gallery!

In the meantime, is there a way for Admin to access member's galleries to help them out with this until a fix is released?

thank you again!
ross Team
ross Nov 3 '14
You can delete them from the server directly then in order to clear the Gallery

you can do that here: ow_userfiles/plugins/base

all files except for avatars and attachments folders come from gallery. 

MsBree Nov 3 '14
OK, thank you very much Ross....appreciate your prompt response!
ross Team
ross Nov 3 '14
I'm going to mark this thread as Solved.