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Help setting up ArrowChat? - ArrowChat | Forum

jeo Nov 30 '11
Iv payed for the arrowchat bar but the bar don't show up on to my site, iv uploaded the zip file to my ow-plugins at my host, installed it in my admin and still ant working. But step2 in the instructions " IMPORTANT: Change the permissions on the arrowchat/cache folder to be writeable (CHMOD 777)" plus this is what arrowchat have sent me http://php.about.com/od/phpbasics/ht/chmod.htm but i cart understand it. Can anyone explain in simple steps. thanks
Owen Baines
Owen Baines Nov 30 '11
Go to the Arrowchat Folder and find the Cache Folder.

Right click it and select Change Permission. After that you should see a Box with 9 Check boxs Present, Check them all and Save/Update and it should work.
jeo Nov 30 '11
Thanks very much that work great and one more thing can you tell me how to set up notifications on it?
Den Team
Den Nov 30 '11
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