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Change Background Colors on Containers[Solved] | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
MsBree Nov 8 '14

Can someone tell me which file and what CSS needs to be edited to change the background color of the containers (sorry if this is not the correct term) that I have indicated with red arrows on the attached image.

I need simple and detailed instructions as all of this coding is greek to me, but I'm great with copy and paste!  lol
thank you very much!
The Forum post is edited by ross Nov 10 '14
  change-background-color.jpg (76Kb)
ross Team
ross Nov 9 '14
apply these styles in the CSS section in the admin panel: www.yoursite.com//admin/theme/css

.ow_box_cap_empty .ow_box_cap_right{background: #000;// this is the color}.ow_menu_wrap{background: #000; // this is the color}

MsBree Nov 10 '14
Ross, thank you very much for the simple solution!  I appreciate it very much!  :)
ross Team
ross Nov 10 '14
No problem. I'm going to mark this thread as Solved.