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Make Mailbox Conversations Larger | Forum

Vladimir Bach
Vladimir Bach Nov 8 '14
Does anyone know how to do this? I've tried various things to make it bigger, but nothing really works. I've redesigned the way it appears on the messages page, so that the list of messages are on top and conversations are at the bottom, but I can't figure out how to make the scrolling conversation part bigger.

Kяuncн Leader
Kяuncн Nov 9 '14
That is auto height according to the text with in that message, make it any taller and you will end up with blank/Empty sections.
Vladimir Bach
Vladimir Bach Nov 9 '14
That may be true, however the text still doesn't re-size it so you can read the whole thing comfortably. 

You have to scroll up and down for the larger messages, and most of the messages on my site are larger messages, as we are writers/roleplayers.

Idk, maybe I think it would be smarter to have messages with pages, sort of like the forums, rather then scroll boxes.

Kяuncн Leader
Kяuncн Nov 9 '14
So you just needing larger text?,,, if so then:

.ow_mailbox_message_content {
font-size: 14px}