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Fatal error - database.php - cron email | Forum

Joe Dec 2 '11
Can anyone tell me what this means from my cron email:

Fatal error:  Class 'PDO' not found in home/MYSITE/public_html/ow_core/database.php on line 159

cron command line is setup with the same syntax as 2 other sites that are working perfectly. The only problem I'm seeing is that users stay online if they just close their browser.

attached is screen of database.php line 159
The Forum post is edited by Joe Dec 2 '11
  databasephp.jpg (203.84Kb)
Michael Leader
Michael Dec 2 '11
How old is your site?
Does your host meet the requirements?
I had a similar error a while back.  Turned out, PDO wasn't enabled...
http://www.oxwall.org/hosting for hosting requirements...
Joe Dec 2 '11
Hi Michael
It's just a month or so old, I'm using 1.2.6
I installed Oxwall on 2 other domains on the same host and they're working fine. No errors on the cron email and users that close their browsers are logged off after 30 mins.

The Forum post is edited by Joe Dec 3 '11
Joe Dec 3 '11
Here is a screen of my PDO phpinfo. All requirements are met.
  phpinfo.jpg (119.34Kb)
Mark Dec 6 '11
do you have PDO handling your php files? rather than suphp or cgi
Joe Dec 6 '11
I believe it's running in cgi mode, I'll have to double check. But, so are the other 2 domains on the same hosting that are working.
Den Team
Den Dec 7 '11
Contact your hosting with this issue. For this account PDO isn't enabled by some reasons.
Joe Dec 7 '11
Thank you Addenster, Mark, Michael. My hosting resolved it.