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Plug in compatibility | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Windsurfer Nov 11 '14

I have been trying to find out if the Photo carousel is compatible with the latest version of skadate and did a search without any result. Search results come up with topics that have nothing to do with the carousel. Why would it be so difficult to ask a seller a question about their product ?

Could somebody point me in the right direction please.

ross Team
ross Nov 11 '14
Windsurfer Nov 12 '14
Does that automatically mean that this will work with the new version of Skadate ?
ross Team
ross Nov 12 '14
Basically yes. However you will need to contact Plugin developer to make sure. 
Windsurfer Nov 13 '14

Hi Ross

Thanks but that what I am trying to do which isn't easy in the first place . I did manage to post a question at the topic but no answer yet.

ross Team
ross Nov 13 '14
Please wait for a while. Moreover, Windserfer, we do not provide assistance to Skadate clients, all your request and questions send to the Skadate support team. Thanks. 
Windsurfer Nov 14 '14
LOL and tells me to ask the creator of the add-on and this is the only place I know of to ask because he/she doesn't provide any other way to ask questions.
ross Team
ross Nov 17 '14
You post your question in the support area of the plugin
Windsurfer Nov 17 '14
I did