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Instant Chat & Calibre[Solved] | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Silvio Nov 12 '14
Today i finally updated to 1.7.1 and update all plugins and themes but i've a problem with the imbedded instant chat... The chat text colour is dark on dark. Where i could change the text colour?

sorry for the noob question ;)
The Forum post is edited by ross Nov 17 '14
ross Team
ross Nov 13 '14
You can apply these styles in the theme customizer: www.yoursite.com/admin/theme/css

This is for the text:

.ow_chat_dialog_wrap .ow_dialog_in_item p{color: green; //your color}This is for the chat bubble:.ow_dialog_item.even .ow_dialog_in_item{background: yellow; //your color}

Silvio Nov 16 '14
Thank you Ross.. it works great ;)