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How modify these ? | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Billy Pip
Billy Pip Nov 14 '14

1-How remove 'my dashboard','Browser photos' etc Words On top of pages (I don't need these extra words as we have menu already)

2-How modify these words from Caps alphabet , i want just first alphabet of word be caps not whole of word

  Image1.jpg (16Kb)
ross Team
ross Nov 14 '14
Try these styles: 

h3.ow_ic_house,h3.ow_ic_write, h3.ow_ic_files, h3.ow_ic_forum, h3.ow_ic_video, h3.ow_ic_link, h3.ow_ic_picture, h3.ow_ic_clock, h3.ow_ic_calendar{

text-transform: none;


h1.ow_ic_calendar,h1.ow_ic_house,h1.ow_ic_write, h1.ow_ic_files, h1.ow_ic_forum, h1.ow_ic_video, h1.ow_ic_link, h1.ow_ic_picture, h1.ow_ic_clock {

display: none


apply them here:yoursite.com/admin/theme/css

I recommend you to take a look here: http://www.w3schools.com/css/default.asp


Please go around the website and see if everything is in place, as some other parts of the website might change. Keep us updated. 

Billy Pip
Billy Pip Nov 14 '14
Ross , it did remove titles as i wanted , thanks .

Any idea about Caps alphabets?

The Forum post is edited by Billy Pip Nov 14 '14
Kяuncн Leader
Kяuncн Nov 14 '14
Kяuncн Leader
Kяuncн Nov 14 '14

Quote from Billy Pip Ross , it did remove titles as i wanted , thanks .

Any idea about Caps alphabets?

To remove all page titles in one swoop you can use:

h1.ow_stdmargin {
display: none}
ross Team
ross Nov 17 '14

h3.ow_ic_house,h3.ow_ic_write, h3.ow_ic_files, h3.ow_ic_forum, h3.ow_ic_video, h3.ow_ic_link, h3.ow_ic_picture, h3.ow_ic_clock, h3.ow_ic_calendar{

text-transform: none;


I'm sorry isn't that what you're looking for?

Kяuncн Leader
Kяuncн Nov 17 '14

Quote from ross How remove 'my dashboard','Browser photos' etc Words On top of pages

I think when he asked:
(How remove 'my dashboard','Browser photos' etc Words On top of pages) that he had meant all page titles, I might be wrong, but if I am right then yes, there is a way to remove all of them in one code as using per your instruction is a bit lengthy, then we have to remember the creation of extra pages, they will end up having h1 page titles to, and if in fact he/Billy Pip is looking to rid ALL then in short I suggest the following.

h1.ow_stdmargin {
display: none}
Billy Pip
Billy Pip Nov 21 '14

h1.ow_stdmargin {
display: none}
is right code for me

ross Team
ross Nov 23 '14
Great. Thanks for letting us know.