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Suggestion for a new system of moderation of photos, videos and etc .. | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Cristiano Nov 16 '14

·         Moderation of profile photos, the cover and album through panel in the área administrative, with all the photos sent by users (20, 50, 100 or 500 photos at a time, size 150 x 150) which can be approved or rejected (deleted).

Search filters: Album, cover, avatar – Active(aproved) and inactive (inaproved) images - User groups (paid, free, admins, pending

Orders: ascending and descending - Images per page: (10, 20, 50, 100, 500)

Check all (checkbox) - Approve, delete, set as adult, the regular set, decline

Hovering Mouse (individual Picture): Edit (crop tool) and delete,

Checkbox  in all pictures and Icon showing whether the image was approved (green) or is pending moderation (red)

Cristiano Nov 16 '14

The User can not see other profile pictures until his have approved your photo . ( Admin - Back end: On/Off Frontend :notification box in English, informing the user of what happened). So here is the scenario The user registers the site and send a photo.


Once you sign up and upload the photo, the user can navigate the site, but can not other members messages and view profiles of other photos until the image is approved by management.


When the photo is approved to be sent an email to the user stating that the photo was passed.


When the photo is not approved to be sent an email to the user stating that the photo was not approved and asking the user to send another photo.



1.    The User can only send messages to another user , after having aproved his profile photo . ( Admin - Back end: On/Off  Frontend :notification box in English, informing the user of what happened)



1.    The user can only access the album photos of another user if you have at least 3 or more photos in your own album.. ( Defined by the administrator in the backend ). ( Admin - Back end: On/Off  Frontend :notification box in English, informing the user of what happened)


Cristiano Nov 16 '14

1.    PHOTO CROP TOOL : In moderation Photo panel seeks and crops faces in member photos.

(hover over an image and after click "edit image"

Cristiano Nov 16 '14

A Moderation Avatars: A user changes their avatar and a pending image is placed in it's spot until the admin approves. Your avatar will not appear until it has been approved by an administrator.

The admin can view the avatar as well as the users admin profile and the users profile from the front end. If the avatar is acceptable you can approve it, if the avatar is unacceptable then you can delete it.

The avatar has been approved.

This process is repeated with groups and events as well. Groups/Events Let's assume this image is unacceptable. The image was not approved so the image was deleted and the default image has been replaced to it's original state.

Events are exactly the same way. the image was 'unacceptable' and we removed it. Let's upload and approve one.

Next we'll do photos. Photos: We have to use the flash uploader if you want a notice to users stating that their photos will need to be approved before they are seen. Also we will want to make sure that oxwall does not automatically set album covers. "You have uploaded 6 out of 500 allowed photo uploads. Your photo will not appear until it is approved by an administrator. "

Let's approve all but the one we have deemed unacceptable.

Videos: First we'll do a link video "Your video will not appear until it has been approved by an administrator" View the video and make sure it's acceptable. Let's assume the second video is unacceptable. video was deleted. Let's check the other one. Approved video is now pending awaiting for oxwall to process it.

ross Team
ross Nov 17 '14

it's a reasonable suggestion, please post it on uservoice: http://oxwall.uservoice.com/forums/13756-ideas-for-oxwall

if it gets enough votes, we'll consider implementing it
Cristiano Nov 17 '14

Quote from ross    The user can only access the album photos of another user if you have at least 3 or more photos in your own album.. ( Defined by the administrator in the backend ). ( Admin - Back end: On/Off  Frontend :notification box in English, informing the user of what happened)  
The moderation system for photos, is already being developed, I'm just suggesting some features
ross Team
ross Nov 17 '14
Anyway, General Question sections is not intended for that, please post your suggestions on uservoice if you want our team consider implementing it