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CSS | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Jasper Esmalla
Jasper Esmalla Nov 17 '14

I am trying to change something in css edit css box so i copied the whole css and put it there and changed like simple background color and image of the menu bar and when i saved it everything seems to get messed up and not displaying eveb though i did not touch that code? 

What is the trick in chabging the css? thanks,

ross Team
ross Nov 17 '14
No need to copy the whole css, you just need to put your custom css styles which will change styles or override current ones
Jasper Esmalla
Jasper Esmalla Nov 17 '14
ok....this  software is awesome, but needs additional functions. If i buy widgets/plugins will it slow down the software?
ross Team
ross Nov 17 '14
Jasper, one request per topic. If you do that again, I will just delete your requests. 

Create a separate post with your last request please. 

Jasper Esmalla
Jasper Esmalla Nov 18 '14
sorry.......i always forget. it seems easier to do it this way. I can just delete this topic because i figured it out.