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The button to validate announcements do not work - Oxwall Classifieds (Beta) | Forum

Sébastien Nov 20 '14
Hello, saddened for my English, I am French lol
It has been one moment since I have the plugin, I decided to install(settle) him(it) on my Web site, everything works well.
However buttons do not work, especially the button to approve announcements. You could help me? Thank you in advance Sébastien
  approvalbutton.png (232Kb)
Purusothaman Ramanujam
Bonjour Sebastien. Ca va?

Do a double click on the button and try?
Sébastien Nov 22 '14
Hi, ca va et toi ? =p when I double click on the delete button and approve button , nothing is happening . as shown no adress load :( thanks for youre answer :)
Purusothaman Ramanujam
Je vais bien, Merci. Je parle francais aussi :d mais pas courament.

Can you try double-clicking the button?
Sébastien Nov 22 '14
The double click do not work yet on the delete button and approve button, no page load =( have you a solution ?

Sébastien Nov 22 '14
Merci pour tout
Purusothaman Ramanujam
Can you share the site login and url so that I can try that out.
Sébastien Nov 24 '14
Hi, how are you ? I give you the url with an announcement to be approved. If you want, I can give you my admin code. http://geekavenue.olympe.in/geekavenue/classifieds/view/2
Sébastien Nov 24 '14
If you try to click on the button approve, a page about blank appears
Purusothaman Ramanujam
Please share the admin details via private message
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